Applicant Full Name * Gender Male Female Others Prefer not to say Email * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Mobile Number * Alternate Contact Job Role Interested In * Design (Industrial, Product & Graphic) Electronics (Engineers & Lab Technicians) Pottery & Ceramics Rapid Prototyping Prototyping Infrastructure Firmware Marketing & Communications Machine Operators Shop Floor Supervisors Stores, Procurement & Purchases Plant Operations & Management Project Management Human Resource Finance & Accounting Archiving & Curation Maintenance and safety Partnerships, Programs & Events Others Years of Experience * 2 years experience minimum required. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20+ Current Location * Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Most Recent Job Role/Designation (50 char limit) * Areas of expertise (100 char limit) * (Comma separated list of areas of expertise. For eg. Product Design, Woodworking, Mechanical Engineering, Video Editing) Resume (file upto 100MB, Only PDF) * FileField; MaxSize=1000000KB; addText=Upload Portfolio (file upto 100MB, Only PDF) FileField; MaxSize=100000KB; Multiple; addText=Upload Highest Education Qualification * What about T-Works and the fellowship interests you the most? (max. 200 words) * Describe your aspirations and how joining the program will help you realise them What are your areas of expertise? Tell us about some of your best work. (max. 200 words) * Tell us about your strengths or describe some of your best work and how you executed them. How did you find out about the Fellowship program * Ecosystem (T-Hub/WE-Hub/RICH/TSIC/Ag-Hub/TASK) Web Search/Google Linkedin Instagram Twitter Friends and Family T-Works Team Hyderabad Hardware Group Government Others TOUR OUR FACILITY PROJECTS AT T-WORKS EXPLORE HYDERABAD